Sunday, March 27, 2011

Questions for the Third Week of Lent


Why do you think Christ plays coy with the woman at the well? Both of his questions, first for a drink and second for her to bring her husband, seem to be designed to set her up for the lesson that Christ gives her.


Jews avoided the Samaritans, who inhabited the land that used to comprise the northern Kingdom of Israel, because the Jews considered them to be the descendants of the foreigners brought into settle the region after the Assyrian conquest, rather than true descendants of the northern tribes. The Samaritans denied this, and believed themselves to be the descendants of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Their worship differed from the Jews, insofar as they denied the prophetical writings in the Old Testament and rejected the temple in Jerusalem, instead worshiping God on Mount Gerazim. What is the importance of Christ’s willingness to interact with the Samaritan woman?


What do you think it means to worship “in Spirit and in truth,” especially when it is contrasted to the different ways that the Jews and the Samaritans were worshipping God at the time of the conversation?


The Samaritan woman and the disciples both misunderstand what Christ meant when he offered living water and said that he already had food to eat. What do you make of this misunderstanding? Are you tempted to make the same mistake in any way?


The living waters that Christ offers call to mind the waters of baptism, by which new life is given to the Lord’s disciples. Do you ever reflect on your own baptism? If one were to take one’s baptismal consecration absolutely seriously, how might one’s life change?


St. Paul speaks of the hope that Christians have because the love of God has been poured into their hearts. What hope does St. Paul have in mind? What do you most hope for? Do you trust God to fulfill your desires? (compare with the Israelites in the first reading)