Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reflections on the Easter Vigil

How do you understand the story of our salvation (salvation history)?  What are the main points?

How did God prepare the world for the coming of Christ?

Which reading most moves or interests you?

What is the role of the covenant in our salvation?  How does God save us by making covenants with us?

Why do you think Christ first revealed himself to Mary Magdalene, rather than his apostles?

Does the resurrection seem real to you?  Does the reality of it, or at least our awareness of it, vary? 

In the Vigil, the liturgy makes it clear that Christ is the light to the world.  How has your faith enlightened you?  How has the Christian faith enlightened the world?  Does it remain a force for good in the world?  if so, how particularly?  What do you make of the criticisms of the Christian faith, and of the Catholic Church in particular?